Let Tuffy Lake In The Hills Help You Keep Your Vehicle Another Couple of Years
September 29, 2017
Lake In The Hills area residents may remember when the U.S. government's Cash for Clunkers program made a splash on the news scene. People were offered incentives to trade in old vehicles for new, in the interest of better and improved air quality from reduced emissions.But a lot of Lake In The H... More

On Board Diagnostics for Your vehicle
September 11, 2017
Today we're going to talk about on-board diagnostics and the questions we hear from folks around Lake In The Hills, Illinois, who need answers about diagnostic services. They want to know what diagnostics are, what's involved and what the benefits are. They really want to understand the value of ... More

Tuffy Lake In The Hills: Good Service and Good Fuel Economy
September 5, 2017
Most Lake In The Hills auto owners want to save on gas and seek our advice on improving economy. At Tuffy Lake In The Hills, we are frequently asked, however, if it is really worth the extra effort. Just how much money can Lake In The Hills drivers actually save?In today's Tuffy Lake In The Hill... More